Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I'm a pool mom, and proud of it!
I am so excited, I'm a pool mom again!! Oh the glorious sounds of splashing water, yelling kids and the smell of sunscreen! I am sure if you asked the older kids about their favorite memories growing up, summers at the pool would rank right up there. There are songs that we hear now that take us right back to the summers at our then neighborhood pool. No need to plan play dates, everyone was at the pool! Kids playing, moms chatting, life was good! Then the kids got older and busier and hanging out at the pool faded away. Last year we joined a pool, but with a fair skinned toddler in tow I just never got in the swing of packing up and spending the day at the pool. Steve and took them many evenings, but it just never had the same feel as before. Well, that has all changed!! We listened to friends, switched pools and glory be, I'm a pool mom again! So, while it's great that the kids are having the time of their lives, I suspect we moms are enjoying it even more. The conversations, both light and heavy, the camaraderie and the makings of both new and stronger friendships are priceless. And what is even better, the dad's join in too!! And in the end, we are able to recreate the same sort of memories for the little girls that our older kids so treasure. Our cupboards are once again full of snacks to pack, and I have a brand new lemonade jug....this is going to be the best summer in a long time!
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